23 May, 2006

Welcome everyone who like to share...

This is a place where we can conveniently share our views, skills and tips relating to modeling or give others our kind help to whoever you like!
here is a mesh of a container which is related to my work in metallurgical process- tundish!


  1. both by CFD software and by in-house codes are okay! come on! show us your ideas!

  2. about why you want i comment, there is a very good work(mesh)

    best regards,chankhar

  3. mr richard , in my opinion , you have some incomplete particle because you have in tundish the dead volume

  4. in some places, this is correct. but, I found even in inlet region that particle can stay there stagnantly.
    thank you anyway!

  5. my mail is chankhar@caramail.com
    best regards
