20 October, 2011

Social media can be used to predict social activity?! [Twitter]

This kind of research must be interesting! However, the conclusion may not so accurate because many people in some areas cannot access these media. Hence at the current stage of development, the first trial is going to be confined to Latin America. Sample is a problem!
In this kind of research, some institutes who control the knots to monitor the internet flow will have the definite advantage. Right now, I think the winner will be USA as they have the most IP control server (I do not know much about IT science, hope no problem here for understanding).

Futurology: Spies to use Twitter as crystal ball
Nature 478, 7369 (2011). http://www.nature.com/news/2011/111019/full/478301a.html
Author: Sharon Weinberger
US intelligence agency aims to forecast unrest by reading the runes of social media.

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