29 November, 2012

FW: Column: When lab leaders take too much control



The 'executive' and 'competitive' lab-leadership models can create poor work environments with undue pressure to perform, says Charles Wood. Here are some signs to look for:




Lab members spend little time with the principal investigator.

The lab is busy, and focuses only on high-impact papers and large grants.

Research goals are clearly established.

Penalties for unmet goals are strong.

There is little cross-talk with collaborators.




One goal is assigned to several people.

The lab is large, with many trainees.

Lab members are unhappy and hyper-competitive.

Socializing is rare.


Feed: Nature - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Posted on: Wednesday, 28 November 2012 11:00 AM
Author: Charles Wood
Subject: Column: When lab leaders take too much control


Column: When lab leaders take too much control

Nature 491, 7426 (2012). doi:10.1038/nj7426-785a

Author: Charles Wood

Two 'toxic' management models treat trainees poorly and leave labs at risk of misconduct, says Charles Wood.

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