24 April, 2014

FW: Renewable energy: Biofuels heat up

After biomass is heated to 900 °C, it gives off hydrogen and carbon monoxide. These gases get turned into liquid fuels by Fischer–Tropsch reactors, such as this one built by Velocys in Plain City, Ohio.

Feed: Nature - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Posted on: Wednesday, 23 April 2014 10:00 AM
Author: Kim Krieger
Subject: Renewable energy: Biofuels heat up

Renewable energy: Biofuels heat up

Nature 508, 7497 (2014). http://www.nature.com/doifinder/10.1038/508448a

Author: Kim Krieger

A new generation of industrial plants can make liquid fuels from almost any organic scraps — from corn stalks and wood chips to urban rubbish.

View article...<http://feeds.nature.com/~r/nature/rss/current/~3/XOyZIwxdU2w/508448a>

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