19 June, 2014

FW: Uprooting researchers can drive them out of science

Should we move or enhance connections?

Feed: Nature - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Posted on: Wednesday, 18 June 2014 10:00 AM
Author: Russell Garwood
Subject: Uprooting researchers can drive them out of science

Uprooting researchers can drive them out of science

Nature 510, 7505 (2014). http://www.nature.com/doifinder/10.1038/510313a

Author: Russell Garwood

Making early-career scientists change institutions frequently is disruptive and — with modern technology — unnecessary, says Russell Garwood.

View article...<http://feeds.nature.com/~r/nature/rss/current/~3/hHHEnWA-jJE/510313a>

This attitude partly serves as an uncomfortable reminder that some academics view junior scientists as expendable sources of cheap labour whose lives and happiness are secondary considerations. But it is also outdated, reflecting the world in which many senior scientists developed their own careers: a world in which graduates and young researchers needed to move between labs and institutions to spread their knowledge and skills and, in doing so, keep science innovative and collaborative.

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