03 October, 2014

FW: [Editorial] Building agricultural research

What should we do not for our moving to other planets regarding our food supply? Who do not need some kind of foods, please raise your hand?

Feed: Science: Current Issue
Posted on: Friday, 3 October 2014 10:00 AM
Author: Donald Kennedy
Subject: [Editorial] Building agricultural research

Nine billion people are expected to inhabit Planet Earth by 2050. Without agricultural research, there is little hope of sustaining this population surge, given that arable land and water supplies are fixed commodities. Yet for decades the agricultural sector has suffered from neglect. If we want to combat new strains of pests that destroy crops, find new crop varieties enriched in nutritional value, improve yields, develop resistance to disease and drought, and provide environmentally sensitive cultivation practices, then agricultural research must be a priority. Why isn't it? Author: Donald Kennedy

View article...<http://www.sciencemag.org/content/346/6205/13.summary?rss=1>

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