23 October, 2015

FW: [Book Review] The storytelling scientist

Feed: Science: Current Issue
Posted on: Friday, 23 October 2015 11:00 AM
Author: Rafael E. Luna
Subject: [Book Review] The storytelling scientist

In Randy Olson's new book, Houston, We Have a Narrative, he boldly states that the single biggest problem facing science today is "narrative deficiency." "Science is a narrative process," he argues, "…therefore science needs a story." He outlines how bad storytelling and exaggerated claims negatively affect the scientific enterprise and describes the difficulty that scientists often experience as they struggle to effectively communicate their data. Reviewer Rafael Luna outlines several strategies for crafting better scientific stories, but cautions readers to approach the process with caution and precision. "Remember," he advises, "that a narrative is only as good as the data on which it is based." Author: Rafael E. Luna

View article...<http://www.sciencemag.org/content/350/6259/391.1.summary?rss=1>

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