04 December, 2015

FW: [Editorial] Japan's longevity challenge

This is an important long term issue.


One cannot imagine further what if events unexpected make this problem more serious (e.g., working force population reduces more significantly than that of aged)!


Feed: Science: Current Issue
Posted on: Friday, 4 December 2015 11:00 AM
Author: Hiroko Akiyama
Subject: [Editorial] Japan's longevity challenge


Japan is the frontrunner of aging societies in terms of longevity and the proportion of the elderly in the population. In 2030, one-third of the population will be older than age 65, and 20% will be older than 75 years. Moreover, 75-year-old seniors in Japan are as physically healthy as those a decade younger, according to a recent government survey. If Japan is to deal effectively with the highly aged society of the future, and benefit from this growing sector of its society, it must come up with a new socially inclusive system for people living into their nineties or more. Author: Hiroko Akiyama

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