26 April, 2019

[Energy & Environmental Science, IF: 30.067] paper accepted: Spatially isolating salt crystallisation from water evaporation for continuous solar steam generation and salt harvesting

Very great news! Congrats to Yun and All. I appreciate very much the opportunity to contribute to this great paper! 

Y. Xia, Q.F. Hou, H. Jubaer, Y. Li, Y. Kang, S. Yuan, H.Y. Liu, M.W. Woo, L. Zhang, L. Gao, H.T. Wang, X.W. Zhang. Spatially isolating salt crystallisation from water evaporation for continuous solar steam generation and salt harvesting, Energy & Environmental Science, In Press (2019)  [Q1; IF 30.067]

Energy & Environmental Science, 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C9EE00692C

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