30 May, 2014

FW: [Report] High-resolution mapping of intracellular fluctuations using carbon nanotubes

Room is always there for scientific research in between very small and large scales (mesoscopic scale) in terms of length/time.

From: Nikta Fakhri
Posted At: Friday, 30 May 2014 10:00 AM
Posted To: Science: Current Issue
Conversation: [Report] High-resolution mapping of intracellular fluctuations using carbon nanotubes
Subject: [Report] High-resolution mapping of intracellular fluctuations using carbon nanotubes

Random active stress fluctuations, detected by tracking labeled kinesin motors, stir the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. Authors: Nikta Fakhri, Alok D. Wessel, Charlotte Willms, Matteo Pasquali, Dieter R. Klopfenstein, Frederick C. MacKintosh, Christoph F. Schmidt

View article...<http://www.sciencemag.org/content/344/6187/1031.summary?rss=1>

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