13 June, 2014

FW: [Working Life] The fun of science

What kind of fun do you have in doing scientific research?

Could your life be better and How?

Feed: Science: Current Issue
Posted on: Friday, 13 June 2014 10:00 AM
Author: Cathy Walker
Subject: [Working Life] The fun of science

Author: Cathy Walker

View article...<http://www.sciencemag.org/content/344/6189/1314.summary?rss=1>

Recently, I was reminded that my job as a graduate student in a science lab is actually "really cool." I was in need of a reminder. I was nearing the end of my fourth year, and I was in a research rut I couldn't seem to escape.*A group of friends from my undergraduate days invited me to spend a late-spring weekend at a lakefront cabin. Our plans to enjoy the lake and the lengthening daylight were dashed by a cold front that came through, bringing 2 days of rain. We still managed to enjoy ourselves, though, by playing card games, making ridiculously good barbecued pork, and reminiscing. The weather changed eventually, and on our last night at the cabin, we were able to spend some time outside. We built a bonfire. One of the guys went to look for wood and came back with a butane torch. He discovered that he could melt holes in empty aluminum beverage cans. (I quickly located my cellphone in case I needed to call 911; even on weekend trips, apparently, I cannot escape my role as safety officer.) One of the guys asked if I wanted a turn, but I declined. "No thanks," I said. "I get to use one of those at work."


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