07 November, 2014

FW: [Report] Microscopic mechanisms of equilibrium melting of a solid

Melting is perhaps one of the most familiar phase transformations. Yet, surprisingly, the complex mechanisms leading to melting have just recently been clarified. On page 729 of this issue, Samanta et al. (1) report a large-scale atomistic computational investigation that offers an exceptionally detailed look at the underlying mechanisms for melting of metals under near-equilibrium conditions.

Advanced computational methods allow sampling of rare events and reveal multiple pathways in melting of metals [Also see Report by Samanta et al.] Author: Axel van de Walle

Feed: Science: Current Issue
Posted on: Friday, 7 November 2014 11:00 AM
Author: Amit Samanta
Subject: [Report] Microscopic mechanisms of equilibrium melting of a solid

Multiple competing pathways direct a metallic solid to its molten state. [Also see Perspective by van de Walle] Authors: Amit Samanta, Mark E. Tuckerman, Tang-Qing Yu, Weinan E

View article...<http://www.sciencemag.org/content/346/6210/729.summary?rss=1>

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